The Original HG Skincare
After a tumultuous few years of beauty blogging and skincare testing it’s fair to say that I have found some really amazing products along the way. However, recently I’ve fallen back into the exact same… View Post
After a tumultuous few years of beauty blogging and skincare testing it’s fair to say that I have found some really amazing products along the way. However, recently I’ve fallen back into the exact same… View Post
Yesterday was an odd one for me. I managed to sprain my wrist on Monday evening, so I had very little sleep yet had a jam packed day from 9am – 9pm with very little… View Post
Can you remember your first beauty product? Mine was clear mascara from Claire’s Accessories. I was so nervous to ask my mum for makeup, but once I’d plucked up the courage to ask for the… View Post
You no that Drake song that goes “no new friends, no new friends, no no no”, well I feel like I should be singing “no new clothes, no new clothes, no no no”. Today’s… View Post
A new vlog has just gone up! It has snippets of bits and bobs that I was up to over the last 7 days. Let me know if you’d like to see more vlogs… View Post