Herra Hair Perfume- The Review

herra hair perfume
You know that feeling when you have freshly washed hair that smells amazing and then, the very same day as your luxurious hair wash you wonder into a coffee shop, a chinese restaurant, a burger place or my personal hell- a fish and chip shop. Your hair the next day smells exactly like the remnants of whatever meal you had the previous day. It’s disheartening to say the least isn’t it? I can’t be the only one that loves that ‘just washed’ smell of my shampoo and conditioner intermingled with my Kerastase elixir- thought not.

So…I have the answer to this dilemma, and no it isn’t acting like a total princess and refusing to go near anything with strong cooking smells. No, the answer is…Herra hair perfume. This stuff smells like a dream, literally delicious- not fruity or girly smelling but jasmine-y and wood-y- subtle and sexy,  exactly how you want your hair to smell. However this isn’t your regular hair perfume, it also conditions your hair and protects it from other odours and free radicals (that would be the olive extract). I was skeptical of this when a Headmasters hairdresser told me of how she uses it on nights out to keep the dreaded cigarette smell away from her locks, but fell head over heels in love with the scent that I bought it anyway, and wow she was right. It really does help keep the nasty day to day smells out of your hair. My only gripe would be that the scent doesn’t last as long as you’d like, and you need to spray it a good distant away from your hair so as not to weigh it down (thumbs down to lank hair).

But as a lovely little pick me up its perfect, good smelling and does some good whilst its there- did I mention that the sunflower extract also helps prevent colour fade? Dream. My kind of product.

You can buy it online here for £24.95 for 50ml.


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