Face Mapping with Dermalogica


Last week I had a little time to kill in Selfridges so popped into the Dermalogica counter for a face mapping skin analysis. The face mapping acts like a consultation and is totally free and doesn’t require booking, nor is there any obligation to buy. They use a special light machine (sorry for not being more technical) to look closely at your skin and map out which part needs what, because at the end of the day everyone’s skin is combination. Afterwards they write down which part of your face is suffering from breakouts, which parts are dehydrated and so on and so on. I discovered quite a bit from my face mapping session, I hadn’t quite realised that I had small hardly noticeable breakouts on both my left and right cheek, which the Dermalogica lady said was down to a certain ingredient used in powders, I quickly worked out that my beloved Chanel Le Beiges Healthy Glow Powder was the culprit. Along with my samples of products to take home and try, she gave me a little sheet with a list of ingredients to avoid and ones to look for. The obvious ones were on the list such as mineral oil (avoid) , and salicylic acid (look for) but there were a plethora of new ones that I hadn’t been aware of before. Overall the mini consultation lasts around 15 minutes and you get a really interesting insight into your skin, even if you think you know it inside out. Afterwards you’re prescribed products and then given testers of three. The sample sizes I had were the Skin Perfect Primer (love) , Gentle Cream Exfoliatior (so-s0) and Tri-Active Cleanser (no way not for me!), but it wasn’t about the products at all- so don’t think that it’s just about buying Dermalogica, although that is one of the points, it is more about getting a little bit more information on what is going on with your skin and what causes what…



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