Cafe Rose – Tom Ford

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Whether we like to admit it or not, we often judge books by their covers. There was no exception to this when I gravitated towards the Tom Ford Cafe Rose fragrance, purely because Cafe Rose. The name conjures up images of Parisian cafes, sultry roses, fresh pots of coffee and sensual glamour. And, you’ll be pleased to hear, that that is exactly what the scent smells of. It has warm notes intermingled with fresh rose and deeper hits of coffee and wood. It smells like Spring, but for a non floral, sophisticated kind of woman. My mum wears it, but saves it for special occasions, I, however, feel the need to spritz it on every day – like the final finishing touch to my trans seasonal wardrobe, I just can’t be without it. If you follow me on instagram you’ll be aware of my love for flowers and coffee – well this scent sums me and my instagram up perfectly!



  1. March 10, 2015 / 2:34 pm

    I can’t wait to get to a Tom Ford counter to smell this! It sounds divine. Katie x

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