It’s Sunday, but technically for most that will mean nothing, as many of you will not be dreading the thought of work tomorrow. If you are going in to work, you’ll only have two days until a break, and if you’re lucky enough to not have work then you’ll have a whole week of festive chilling. Well kind of! Tomorrow and Tuesday are chock block for me, last minute Christmas shopping, video filming, editing, scheduling, wrapping, sorting out admin, replying to emails etc, so that I can have three glorious free days where hopefully I don’t need to worry about anything.
If, like me, you’re not ready to 100% Christmas unwind just yet, here are a few weekend mini stress busters to get you through the last bit of work and Christmas shopping.
1) Have an interesting ‘weekend only’ breakfast. I’ve been loving Livia’s Crumbles, their sugar, dairy and wheat free and I’ve been eying them up for quite a while now. I ordered some last week and they arrived on Friday, just in time for the weekend. I’m actually currently having one right now for breakfast and it’s putting me in a brilliant mood.
2) Do a happy dance to shake all of the stresses away, I like doing mine to this obviously.
3) Take some time out for just you away from social media. I don’t find unwinding with my phone in my hand the best stress buster, especially as I think of social media as part of my “work” life. I like to run a bath (preferably with some Sanctuary products) and just enjoy some me time. The heat is helping clear out the last of my illness (one week on and still got a bad sinus situation – yawn), and I like just taking time to breathe and think of the bigger picture.
What are your favourite de-stressing techniques?