The French Pharmacy Budget Buy

  French brand Cattier have been on my radar for a while now but I’ve never been able to track them down in any french pharmacies. Last week in Cannes I made a point of… View Post

Post Holiday Pamper

  Post holiday, whilst a tan may be deceiving and make you look healthier than you are, your skin ain’t fooling anybody. Too many pastries, sugary cocktails and lat nights can play havoc on your… View Post

Sunday Catch Up #13

Left to Right// Breakfast in St Tropez// lunch at Moorea Beach Club// Private beach// Happy feet in Chanel sandals// it looks like 5 bracelets but it’s only one!// Club 55//Love a nude nail// at Bagatelle… View Post

Sunday Catch Up #12

Left-Right- Shopping in Cannes//Baby Prince George and Kate looking beautiful!//Hotel de Paris Monte Carlo//the post sun damage control squad team//lunch at Volupte Cannes, best homemade ice tea ever//lunch in Portofino Italy.  Most Worn- my  bright turquoise… View Post

The Minis- Avene

  I do love a sample, having finally got my skin to the clearest it’s ever been since I was about 10 I don’t like mixing things up too much. Being a blogger though, and… View Post