The Minis- Avene


avene mini

I do love a sample, having finally got my skin to the clearest it’s ever been since I was about 10 I don’t like mixing things up too much. Being a blogger though, and having an unhealthy obsession with products I always push the boat out and try new things, I have a little emergency stash that can remedy the faults of any naughty products speedily and get my skin back into tip top condition, but you never know when a product will push your skin over the edge (for anyone who’s interested my emergency skin stash includes Dr Nick Lowe Spot Gel, Fresh Umbrian Clay mask, Clarins Exfoliating Toner and Serozinc. Dream team). That’s why I always always always (one more, go one!) always, request samples at beauty counters or Space NK of products I’ve heard about and want to test run. Some sales assistants are a bit snooty, they’re usually the ones who aren’t well trained and are just after the $$$ commission, but the helpful ones who understand the true ingenuity of samples- they’re the gems who in the long run will pull in more $$$.

About a month ago I went on to Avene’s website to try and locate a good non-comedogenic spf 50 (I found it in Antheloios XL by La Roche Posay the next day…) and whilst on, I did a little quiz to find out my skin-type, no surprises here I was put in the ‘normal to combination’ category. They then offered me the opportunity of having some samples sent directly to me, completely free of charge. I jumped at the chance and quickly tapped in my address…and subsequently forgot all about it. That was until last week when a little package stamped with the French pharmacy brand’s logo arrived at my door. I eagerly opened it up to find two generous sizes of sample products (no sachets here). The first one was a cleanser, one which I’ve thought about buying a few times the ‘Gently Gel Cleanser’, and the second was a moisturiser, ‘Hydrance Optimale UV legere, light hydrating cream SPF20’, again the words ‘light’ and ‘spf 20’ got me all excited.

I’ve been trialling both products for a few days, only using them in the mornings though as at night I need a good balm and flannel cleanse. However, they are absolutely divine, they smellĀ so French, and no I don’t mean of cheese and garlic, I mean like luxurious French soap, that indulgent smell that is soooo good and doesn’t irritate the skin. The moisturiser sinks in quickly and leaves no greasy residue and the cleanser leaves my skin feeling clean but not at all stripped or dried out. I think once these 25ml beauties run out I’ll be making the full on commitment of buying full sized. I’m in love, and it’s all down to the genius marketing of samples.

Have a lovely Sunday!




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