Sunday Catch Up #4

Left-Right: Pretty flowers outside Westfield, super Green tea that gives me super energy, invalid supplies of medicine and new blog notebook, not even 1/3 of the whole maquillage collection- need my proper dressing table, some… View Post

May Favourites

    May has flown by for me, I spent the first half in the library and the second half in the office and in between have enjoyed lovely meals, seeing friends and dedicating time… View Post

Blurred Lines- Get the look

Inspiration struck me just now as I was listening to my current favourite tuuuune- Robin Thicke and Pharrell’s Blurred Lines. My oh so hip younger siblings have been playing it for months but I’ve only… View Post

The Working Day Make-Up Edit

As I’ve mentioned a few times, I’ve been interning for the last few weeks and therefore have become another worker bee stuck in the slog of public transport, occasionally stuck in freak downpours and quite… View Post