Sunday Catch Up #8


Left to Right: H&M bracelets, my attempts at recreating Pho at home, Emily Ratajakowski isn’t just sexy she’s super chic too- new girl crush! Pumpkin seeds are my current go to snack; great for skin! Saturday essentials, OOTD featuring Primark sunnies and H&M shorts. 

Most Worn- the above bracelets from H&M. So holiday.

Best Meal- Again above, the Pho-esque noodle soup my mum and I made the other evening!

Buy of the week- The Primark sunglasses in photo above. Super obsessed- they’re as cool as Celine, but will they last? We shall have to wait and see.

Most worn beauty product- That’s easy- the MUA undress mee too eyeshadow palette. Gorgeous neutrals and golds- perfect for every day smokey eyes.

Skincare saviour- This week the Aesop parsley seed mask lived up to its expectations, it has given me glowing and totally clear skin after just one use. I now want to try the parsley seed serum and toner! Total convert.

Products I’m coveting- See above! Also the Kevyn Aucoin sculpting powder and the Sleek face contour kit. I want to streamline my cheekbones!


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