SPRINGOOTDMAIN springootd3 springdetails springsitting springchanelpumps SPRINGOOTD

Firstly, let’s all take a second to all appreciate how amazingly talented Amelia is at being a photographer!?!

This look is a lot girlier than I usually go, but as the trend for all things pink doesn’t seem to be dying down anytime soon, I may as well jump aboard the bandwagon. As the weather is now warmer and sunnier (yay) but still with a hint of chill (boo) this outfit is ideal, the Zara knit keeps things cosy whilst the Zara peachy nude skirt keeps things Spring-ish. Paired with my trusty Chanel ballet flats and my baby Balenciaga to keep things a little more edgy I love this outfit. I feel this look is a little Gossip Girl circa season 1 but kept current with the pastel pink tones.


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