Yesterday I had a fairly quiet morning working from home followed by a less than quiet afternoon and evening filled with quite a few events. I wanted a makeup look that could take me from late afternoon through to evening, something chic and flattering so I went with my usual with a twist- a brown smokey eye paired with a nude lip. For my base I used Charlotte Tilbury’s Magic Cream* mixed in with Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum for a dewy and glowing base, I dabbed on some brightening La Mer Radiance Concealer under and on my eyelids to waken me up and then applied MAC Cork Satin* all over my lids with a little bit of MAC paint pot Camel Coat* on the creases and brow bone. A little Rimmel Liquid Liner gave a beautiful clean line and then coated my lashes with MAC in extreme dimension 3D mascara to really awaken the eyes. I used the bottom right shade of the HD Brows Foxy *quad on my brows and them combed them through using MAC brow gel*. I swept a little of the HD Brows Blusher* on to the apples of my cheeks and dusted a tiny amount of Bourjois Java Rice Powder* onto the highest points of my cheek bones. I then gave lips a nice neutral nude colour with Swedish brand Oriflame lipstick which was so moisturising that I didn’t need any balm on before. I love this look and am currently wearing a slightly different version of it every day- I think that brown tones are incredibly flattering on every skin tone, and look gorgeous especially as the weather gets a little chillier, you can never beat a healthy glow, neutral smokey eye and nude lip!