The festive bubble is well and truly over, and I’m not going to lie in saying that it’s bitterweet. I’m sad because I will miss being able to hang out with my family every day as though it’s a weekend but I’m excited as it’s finally time to really get into gear. I was ill for a week before Christmas properly started and so I feel like I’ve been in this bubble for three weeks and I couldn’t be more excited to start feeling fresh and healthy again. Here are some of my favourite steps to take in order to feel work ready:
1) Coffee or a hot drink – Even if you’re not a coffee person, a hot drink first thing in the morning instantly makes getting out of bed that much easier, as it’s January and freezing I’d also recommend taking one on your commute with you – no horrible Starbucks queues, no crappy takeaway cups, instead invest in a chic tumbler that’s reusable. This is one of those things that gives infinite joy, I love taking mine with me on early morning trips to the gym/exercise classes.
2) Look The Part – If you look crap you feel crap. It’s as simple as that. It’s why when I’m having a break out, I wash my hair more often and take more time doing my eye makeup. You want to detract from your bodies protests to stay on the sofa watching Frozen. Take some time doing your concealer and an extra five minutes on your eye makeup. For mornings like today and this week I’d recommend a cream shadow – Maybelline On and On the Bronze is perfect and don’t forget to take a powder compact on the go to ensure you tend to any over zealous t zones post lunch – Bourjois Healthy Glow Powder is ideal.
3) Focus on the little things – Instead of questioning how fast quickly went by focus on the little things that will get you excited. Do you have colleagues/school friends that you haven’t seen in a while? Are you actually excited to be out of the house in makeup for the first time in a while? That new work dress you picked up in the sale/got for Christmas needs an outing anyway. It’s these things that will keep you positive!
I for one am excited for the year ahead, excited for the new opportunities and totally ready to get my head in the game and stop singing the Frozen soundtrack…!
Love the tip to look the part. Once it gets cold here in Virginia I shut down.. Sundown at 5 and cold in the morning makes me feel blah especially on work days. So I always deliberately put more effort into me. More baths with bath bombs, more care into my skin, cuter outfits and maybe even blow dry my hair 🙂 makes Monday- Friday so much more bearable