Sort of Autumn..

With the weather relatively mild for Autumn I kept this outfit true to the season with the colours and textures as opposed to any layering. A simple Vogue t-shirt from the Vogue Festival paired with a black… View Post

Beauty Wish List

  I tend to take more notice of beauty bloggers than journalists. I know I know, that sounds like such a sweeping statement, but I personally feel that bloggers are more honest than beauty journos,… View Post

Vogue Festival- The Review

Yesterday (Sunday 28th April) I went to the second day of the Vogue Festival in association with Vertu at the Southbank Centre. For the occasion I decided to wear a pair of Zara leather leggings,… View Post

Sunday Inspiration

As we prepare ourselves to start another week I thought it might be a fun feature on the blog to start posting some Sunday mood boards to inspire our beauty for the coming week. Some… View Post